
Showing posts with the label happiness

"No One Is More Hated Than He Who Speaks The Truth"

Plato - "No One Is More Hated Than He Who Speaks The Truth". That moment in between a Stimulus and Your Reaction to it is where Your power is. This is within your power, your control.

Are You Still You?

Are you still you? If not, then who are you? Do you know? How will you know? Do people trust you? Do people admire and respect? Does anyone like you?

How Often Have You Said, I'll write it down later?

How Often Have You Said, "I'll write it down later?" Then, later, you cannot for the life of you remember what it was.

There Are Consequences For Everything.

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

Focus Is When You Do So!

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

When You Keep Your Mind Where Your Hands Are. You Are Focused.

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

What You Focus On Is Where Your Mind Is

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

We Become What We Think About

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

Why Pussyfoot (tip-toe)? Life's Too Short

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

Make The Grass Green Where You Are

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

If You Don't Succeed, Try Another Approach

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

I'm Free To Be Me

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

Stumble In The Dark Or, Get Into The Light.

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

You Are Only As Good As You Think You Are

Your mind is like a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

You Can Change Your Mind Anytime... with bourbon.

Your mind is a garden. You can plant in it whatever you like. You can entertain any thought that pops into your mind.  Nurture it, care for it, and watch it grow. Same as, for an idea. A thought, an idea, can be good or bad.  It makes no difference, good or bad. It's up to you which you nurture or discard. You can tend to your garden and care for it. Or let it grew wild, uncultivated.  But you have to put with, whatever grows. If you don't like weeds growing and taking hold, you can pull them out. You have the power of choice, anytime, anywhere. This is within your power, your control.

Which Kitchen is Your Favorite? (30 pics)

Kitchens can be as individual as you are. And as functional as a restaurant's. Let's face it, it is a well-used part of the house. At least three times a day for each member of the household. The kitchen is the hub for dinner parties and is still part and parcel when outdoor at the BBQ. Getting ideas and seeing other kitchens is a great idea. Particularly when building a house or planning the big makeover.    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  30

How To Control Your Life With 12 Universal Laws Of Success

The Twelve Universal Laws Of Success   By Herbert Harris Everything in the entire universe is governed by laws. You also are in the universe.  So it stands to reason. Learn and work with the laws then you control and govern your life. Nothing is left to chance. You’ll understand there is no such thing as an ‘accident’.  Primarily, the Law of Cause and Effect. This is the umbrella that all other laws come under. Click the link for the free PDF P.S.  I hope you enjoyed this post and benefited from it. What are your thoughts about this? Did it help you in some way? Did you get an idea? Perhaps share with others. Please leave a comment.

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