Are You Getting Value? You Deserve.

Exchange Of Value. 

How Much Are You Getting?


Two questions popped into my mind years ago, and have stayed. Two questions, no order or priority. These two questions are a way of determining your self-worth and the self-worth of others.

     Of what value, as a person, am I to others?

     Why would others want to spend their time with me?

I've often looked at myself, and have had to, with those two questions. As self-regulators. For myself, and viewing others.

In everything, when you look at it closely, you feel good about something when there has been an exchange of value.

This holds true for money. That is what money really is, an exchange of value. We buy or not depending on our perceived value of the product or service for the amount of money being asked for. We exchange our money because we believe and can justify we are getting an equal value.

Now, this varies from person to person. Others may not see the same value in a quantitative measure. And are not prepared to hand over the same amount of money. So, then there is no transaction because of a lack of perceived value.

Some will try to bargain, haggle, or are just cheapskates, to just get a better deal. Or are just downright ruthless lacking conscience.

Value is in what we perceive it to be.

It then stands to reason for just about everything else. And not just for a commercial purpose.

Same applies to people. Those that are taxing, draining, are not giving of themselves of value, or less than would be appropriate. And are soon discarded.

Those that are generous of themselves in a sincere way are considered of value. And a joy to be around. There are an ease and gracious nature to them. Not necessarily because they give materially. But because others are getting more value from them. A worthy exchange of their time.

So a handy tool to keep in mind: 

Of what value, as a person, am I to others? 

Why would others want to spend their time with me?

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