Can You Improve The Relationship You're In?

Can I Improve The Relationship I'm In And Become Happier?

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You are in a relationship regardless of being single, married, or separated. It is part of life.

     Even at your job, you are in a type of relationship with someone, co-workers, your boss, etc.. Be it casual, platonic or business. You are in a relationship with you also. 

First and foremost is the relationship You have with You. 

You are the center of Your universe, the world around You. 

How everyone responds or reacts to You, is about You. How others conduct themselves is about them. 

Here is something to remember. Be it the way You talk or conduct Yourself. 

"The quality of My (Ones own) communication is the response." 
Earl Nightingale. 

Basically, the feedback You get back from others is a measure of how you feel about Yourself. Also, how others respond and react is a measure of how they feel about themselves.

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The Theory of Accommodation

As single people, we live our daily lives as such. We think, plan and operate as a single person, taking also into account those involved in our daily life.

We also, plan ahead, future activities as a single person.

Then, one day, we may meet a person. And then, both decide to walk the same path together as a couple.

It is then that the Theory of Accommodation begins to play its role.

We think, plan, and operate with our partner in mind. We communicate our plans and thoughts and actions. And so begins the process of accommodating the other person into our life.

Not all current situations and circumstances change immediately, nor need to, but usually most over time with consideration. By working together to an arrangement for the betterment of the relationship.

By working together to an arrangement for the betterment of the relationship.

And so, what may be seen, to one as impractical, i.e. distance, working times, dependent children, in the beginning, with thought and communication, changes and/or acceptance can be made.

Not all impracticalities are at first of concern or issue and need to be addressed.

When the desire and willingness of both are strong, and a determination to make the relationship work, all will work out well.

For, considering that; the only constant in the universe is change. By being open and willing, all can happen.

What are Your thoughts about this? Did it help? Please leave a comment.

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