Can You Improve Your Current Potential?

What Is Your Real Potential?

Real Potential.

You as a human being are your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. These create your own beliefs. Your own beliefs determine the life you create for yourself. Your beliefs will determine what you will become, have and do. 

What you can and will achieve. What you believe will be. 

Because “We become what we think about.”

It was said by Earl Nightingale, "we are the sum total of all our thoughts up to this point in time. And we will be the sum total of our thoughts in five years time."

Maybe you'd better take a closer look at your thoughts. Instead of your thoughts running wild, as they have been. You can become what you want to be because you can decide on what you want to think about. 

That is something each and every one of us can do. We as human beings, human creatures on this planet, are the only creatures with the power of choice.

So it goes without needing to say, you shape your own life and potential. For the better or the worse.

In most western countries, when you turned eighteen years of age you legally became an adult. Master of your own ship, Captain of your own destiny.

So, for those who drift aimlessly through life. From one relationship to another. From one job after another. Squandering time and savings, have little to show for ten years of working.

Or with more potential in your tank.

Those that go from one success to another. In good health and spirits. With an admirable balance sheet.

Are doing exactly the same thing, but at opposite ends of the thought process. One with negative thinking, the other with positive thinking. But both are a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Now, what is it that you want? Where do you want to be, have? And most important, who do you want to be.

You’ve got to decide that, only you can do that. Is it a mild desire, a whim? Or is it a burning desire. All the better that it is. Be it something that consumes your thoughts day and night until reached.

How do you build your potential?

Well, we as human creatures are the only creatures on the planet with the God-like powers of imagination. While all other creatures are born with a set of instincts of which they are neither aware of nor have the ability to change their environment.

We as human creatures can devise ways and means to make our environment to our own pleasing. 

Through and with our imagination. Daydream, if you like. But with a purpose in mind.

Try out this simple easy exercise. 

Make two columns by drawing a line from top to bottom. Head one column 'Knowledge', the other one 'Passions'.

Here is the KEY to this. List everything you have SOME knowledge about. You do NOT need to be qualified, have a certificate or college education about. JUST SOME KNOWLEDGE ABOUT. Or have an interest in learning more about.

Same for the 'Passions'. SOME about.

Take your time. Leave this open as other things pop into your mind and add them to the lists. It may take you a couple of hours, days, or weeks. You may have two, three, or more pages.

Next, go through both lists, and see if there are some that match. Or closely match.

Put these on another sheet of paper, call it 'Some knowledge and Passion Items.' 

Great! Now you know you have things you have some knowledge and passion about.

Don't be concerned.

IF..., there are no matches. Go through the Some knowledge list that grabs you, and work with those.

The purpose of this exercise is for you to see that you have more options than just a job for income.

Start thinking about these things and how you can bring them about. Perhaps thinking of ways to turn a hobby into a profitable side hustle. 

Making at home and selling at a local craft market. Start a blog, do some research, and write about your interest, giving your experience and advice.

Become an explorer. A Collaborator In Creation. Let your imagination turn these ideas over in your mind. It has been said, “what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

What Million Dollar Idea is lurking in your sheets of paper?

I'd love to hear from you, please leave a comment.


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