You Thinking This Guarantees Awesome Results

How You Can Become Successful In One Day!

Good Thinking- Good Results

To get ahead in life, and how to become successful today. Really boils down to what you are doing that day.

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Building Blocks

A day is nothing more than all the tasks that you do that day. And each day is another building block that you are making to form the life ahead.

So to become successful day by day you need to go beyond what you are doing and how you are doing it day by day.

Luck has been defined as when preparation meets opportunity. And the more we prepare ourselves, more opportunities present themselves. So what you are actually doing is attracting opportunities to yourself.

Or Lottery Tickets

You can continue to buy lottery tickets. But after the draw and your numbers didn't come up. How do you feel, unsatisfied, dejected? Think back to when you did something and it worked out well. How did you feel afterward?

Satisfaction comes from having achieved something. Achieving comes about by striving and completing. Which leads to accomplishment. And these are feelings to have, to treasure.

Getting back to that single building block, just one day. When you successfully complete most of the tasks for that day, you've had a successful day.
Ask yourself this question with each of the things you are doing during the day. Will completing this make today successful?

good thinking good results

Day To Day

So it's by doing these little day to day tasks that build something of value and meaning.
Your life.

Just today, and in today can you make a success of yourself? Adding another successfully completed task to the others of that day you have a successful day to add to tomorrow.

And by keeping in mind Dean Brigs' comment. "Do your work. Not just your work and no more, but a little more for the lavishing's sake - that little more which is worth all the rest. And if you suffer, as you must, and if you doubt, as you must, do your work. Put your heart into it, and the sky will clear. Then out of your very doubt and suffering, will be born the supreme joy of life."

For the lavishing's sake

Just a little more with each little task today. You may think of this as petty when you are thinking of the bigger things you are wanting. But how is it that you will get the bigger things if not doing all you can today.

There is a gap between what you are wanting and where you are now.

Each Successful Task is a part of the Bridge.

A brick house is built by laying the first brick, and then the next, and next. Until some thousand or so bricks have been laid. It is the same with any life.

Go back to just the tasks of the day as if each is a brick. and soon you'll start seeing the results, the fruits of your labor. Because you can only do what you can do today. 

It may also be the case to do some back peddling, and do better some of yesterday's tasks. You'll know with each day if it's been wasted, lost. Or has been productive. It's up to you.

You will be developing a good habit. It is doing the majority of these little tasks successfully that makes for a successful day. And the more of these days will make a successful week, month and be heading to a productive year.

Good Habits Get Good Things

Then before you know it along come those things you've been wanting, or to make happen.

A successful life is much like fashion or sewing. Each piece put neatly together.

What can I do today? Firstly how do you want today to turn out?

Think backward to the beginning of the day, and determine that which you need to do.

Pay The Price

H.L. Hunt put it this way. "It's simple really, only three steps. First, know what you want. Second, determine the price. Third, pay the price."

Stop doing things that are wasting your time and draining your energy.

It was said by Earl Nightingale, We each have enormous wealth. Our wealth consists of four things.
  • Our underutilized mind.
  • Our talents.
  • Our abilities.
  • And time.

Your Wealth

These are our possessions, and nobody can take them from you. Except you, being lazy is one way. Not fully using them is another way.

So how can you make the best use of your wealth?

Determine what you want - what is the most important task for you to do today. Do it, complete it successfully. Then get on with the next most important, and so on.

That's basically it, in a nutshell, your only "to do" list. Keep it simple, keep it important and pay the price.


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