How To Make Weight Loss Super Easy With Keto

So then how is, Keto permanent weight loss made easy?

Most people start a diet WITHOUT a good plan. 
A good, well laid-out plan that will get them through the first critical month.

A good well laid-out plan is necessary because it does at least two things.
1. It develops a good habit. And,
2. A habit is formed during the first month.

That is why the first month is critical. To develop the new habit and momentum, to keep you going. Until this becomes a habitual way of life.

The Custom Keto Diet is designed to do this.
A habit, good or bad, is formed by consistently doing the same thing.

And without a good well-designed plan, even well-meaning, well-intended people can easily fall back on old habits.

About 70% of all sickness, illness, and diseases are lifestyle created. And, OH GREAT, you may be thinking. I'll never get better.

But, that 70% is created by lifestyle patterns and habits is good news.

Because you can change habits and patterns when you decide to, and deliberately go about doing this.

You have the power and control to design and create the lifestyle you want. If you really want to.

When most people hear the word diet. They think "a special course of food to which a person restricts themselves, either to lose weight or for medical reasons".

But in actual fact, a "diet" is "the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats".

So, you already have a diet going now.
The Custom Keto Diet Plan is a way of training yourself to eat better with benefits.

Some of the benefits are;
* reduce your weight,
* reduce your size,
* improve your health,
* increase your energy and vitality
* look and feel better.
* become more attractive.

And this starts a chain-reaction and momentum in a better direction of your life.
As you continue in this new direction improving continues to increase.

There's a downside. Downsizing and altering your clothes.

Gaining weight and size is a gradual demon we hardly notice over time. One bite at a time.

Weight loss starts from the inside.
Weight gain starts from the inside.

Something to remember and to keep you aware and on guard.
"Be conscious 90% of the time of what goes from your hand into your mouth.

So make. "I am conscious 90% of the time of my hand and mouth." Your new lifestyle mantra.

The "Morning Mirror Trick"
Just before taking a shower.
Stand in front of the mirror and say "wow I'm slim".
The important parts of this trick;
  • Say it as though you already are the size and weight you want to be. "WOW I'm slim".
  • It's not the words that work, it's the feeling that you feel as you are saying the words that work.
These feelings activate emotions. Which, in your subconscious mind changes your beliefs and how you feel about yourself.

A word of warning, so as to be prepared. Your mind will fight you. At first when your brain hears you say "wow I'm slim", you will hear it say "bullshit". "Are you kidding me?" "Who are you trying to fool?"
Your brain is responding with what it knows, an old habit.
Keep at it, after long enough your brain will eventually concede and go along with "wow I'm slim".
You need to persevere with a new way of thinking.

So, go ahead. You've got nothing to lose, except inches and pounds. But a whole new life to gain.

And with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee (No questions asked) you can run through the program twice. 

P.S. Click through to the Official Keto page to get an outline of what's in store in the plan and all you get.

More Keto, Paleo, Whole 30 posts:

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