How to Create Successful Affirmations That Work And Create New Desired Habits

Here's How To Write Success Affirmations

How to Create Successful Affirmations - Buddy Blog Ideas

Back in the centuries before expansion out of Europe, people lived and died where they were born. They didn't move or change. But become as their parents did. 

Because the earth was flat, and they would fall off the edge or be eaten by the dragons that lurked on the edge of the then known maps.

The Spanish philosopher Ortega gave us the green light. To challenge the dragons and not fear the edge. 

He said, "All creatures are born with a set of instincts of which they are neither aware of nor have the capacity to change."

All creatures except one. We as human creatures were born with the "God-like" power of imagination. If we don't like our environment, we can change it for the better.

As Henry Ford put it, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are right."

And to further his point, he said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is which is the probable cause why the preponderance does not engage in it."

So, all you need to DO is use your imagination and think a bit.

Let's move on...

What Is An Affirmation?

A desired (- goal - outcome - change -) stated with conviction in a positive confident manner as already true to stimulate the universal forces in your favor.

To affirm means to declare or state positively; to make a statement, confidently declaring it to be true. As real in real life.

And to internalize an affirmation into your feeling nature, your subconscious, it needs to be repeated during the day for a number of days in a certain way.

"Certain", meaning two things.

1. A particular way.
2. And with certainty, with conviction.

What is a Thought?

A thought or idea has two parts. 

A. The words used to describe the thought or idea. And, 
B. The feeling associated with the thought or idea.

Part B is the important part. 

It is the feeling, associated with or assigned to, the thought that goes through to the subconscious mind.

 And when you act in accordance with the feeling of the desired outcome enough times, this then becomes a new habit. 

Why Use Repetition To Reinforce?

Reinforce, in effect you are 'forcing', in a good way, something to change in your habitual manner.

Forget about changing old unwanted habits. 
By putting your energy and focus on these you are keeping them alive in your life, consciously.

Rather, by consciously working on forming a new desired habit. Reinforcing what you want. The complete opposite of a bad habit. You are putting your energy and focus to good productive use. 

By persisting, you are creating, and are more and more in a better state of mind. Thereby over-riding and causing the old habit to fade away.

Yes, there is truth and means in "Faking it till you make". "Acting as If", the thing desired is already attained.

Yes at first it may seem and feel foolish. Or you can continue feeling the way you are now. Getting what you are getting. Same old same old. It's up to you, it's always been up to you.

The best that you can do for yourself is to think and feel what it is that you want.

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Stimulus - Response Diagram - Buddy Blog Ideas

One type of response may be 'no response' at all. You could be indifferent. When in a 'Responsive' manner, having considered the stimulus, you get to choose your attitude.


Otherwise, it is just an involuntary unconscious reaction by habitual behavior.

Stimulus - Reaction Diagram - Buddy Blog Ideas

When NOT in a 'Responsive' manner, the ball goes through to the Catcher and you don't get to choose your attitude. Strike!

An analogy could be, you as a batter in a baseball game. The ball is thrown, and you have a few options.

As a Responsive person;

1. Take a calculated swing at the ball.
2. Not swing at the ball, and let it go through to the         catcher for a possible Strike.
3. Feel O.K. with your decision.

As a Reactive person;

1. Take a wild swing at the ball, maybe hit a Foul.
2. Miss the ball, Strike, maybe Strike 3 YOU'RE OUT.
3. Feel terrible.

Now For The Good Juice

You have a bit of work to do though.

- Define, in detail, a habit that you want to be rid of or change.

- Write out the exact opposite of this habit.

Using "I am", " I will", "I want" to start the affirmation.

Circumstance: a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.

Situation: a set of circumstances - a state of affairs - location and surroundings.

Conviction: a firmly held belief or opinion.

An affirmation is also a command, a set of instructions to the subconscious mind carried there by the feeling.

Affirmations Work When:

1. Repetition - They are consistently stated,
2. You have faith that you deserve,
3. Set Conditions - Are capable of attaining it,
4. Sufficient time to actually feel the sensation of the affirmation. 

Daily Affirmation Exercise 

1. Write each affirmation on a 3X5 index card.

2. Do this exercise first thing each morning. 

3. And before you go to bed each night. 

4. Stand in front of a mirror, focus your eyes on your third eye. It is located an inch or so above the imaginary line connecting your eyes, at the mid-point.)

5. Repeat each affirmation five times with positive emotional feelings. 

6. Pick out one affirmation that you need to work on. 

7. Close your eyes and visualize exactly how your life would be possessed with the quality or attribute described in your affirmation.

8. Carry the index cards with you for the next twenty-one days. 

9. Repeat your affirmations, with feeling, as often as possible during each day. Add special emphasis and feeling to the specific affirmation you need to work on. 

10. The more consistently you use these affirmations and others, the quicker you will get the desired results. 

Source: The Twelve Universal Laws of Success by Herbert Harris
Chapter IV: The Universal Law of Command 
The LifeSkill® Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 302 Wilmington, NC 28402

You're Not Stuck

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How to Create Successful Affirmations - Buddy Blog Ideas

"Watch my thought and words". They are creators.

"If I don't want it, don't think it, don't say it."

"My Word is My Wand"

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