How To Boost Your Potential Personal Power With The "Be Command"

How Can I Improve My Personal Power?

To boost Your potential personal power, to design the life of Your dreams. Does repeating a well-worded affirmation work for You? 

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Even though it's a fun and up-lifting thing to do. Does it make the deep down changes in Your Subconscious Mind to improve Your life?

"The Captain of Your Soul and The Master of Your Destiny"
Make Your Dreams Happen by Controlling Your "Master Mind".

"Before you can do something you must first be something." Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Buddy Blog Ideas
"Before You Can Do Something You Must First Be Something." Johann Wolfgang Goethe

A Thought Has Two Parts:

Part One: The words. What the thought is called, and the words to describe the thought.

Part Two: The Feeling. The associated feeling about the thought. How the thought makes You feel.

The more important of the two is Part Two. Because Your Subconscious Mind takes notice of the feeling.

Your Subconscious Mind works best when associating things, one thing with another thing. That's why the feeling associated with the thought is important.

Not as much the words. One powerful word can have more impact than a ten word statement.

People hear the words You say, but get a sense of what is said by how it is expressed. A monotone way of talking is boring and hard work to listen to. And turns people off.

The same for Your Subconscious Mind.

It can not see facial expressions, or arms waving, or other gestures. So, for a message to impress Your Subconscious Mind it needs the feeling. And anything associated with that feeling, music, brisk walking, an aroma, taste.

As an extreme example only, and don't do this, which one is powerful:
1. "I'm going to shot you." (Only saying this, with no gun)
2. Pointing a loaded gun.   (Saying nothing, just pointing the gun)

It is considered by the experts that everything is registered and stored by Your Subconscious Mind. But it acts on what impresses it.

More about this further on.

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Overwhelm By 60,000 thoughts A Day:
The experts estimate that a person on average has about 60,000 thoughts a day. I don't know about You, but that seems a staggering amount to me.

If You sleep eight hours a night, that leaves 16 waking hours. 16 hours times 60 minutes times 60 seconds is 57,600 seconds.

16 hours 
60 minutes
60 seconds
57,600 seconds.

Phew... that's one thought every second. Time for a nap. Again, I don't know about You, but I think about some things for longer than a second.

Are the experts saying there are a lot of unaware thoughts going on?

Maybe that's why we're overwhelmed by all these pesky thoughts popping in and out all day long.

AND! Things don't shut down at night either. What about dreams, and all the stuff Your Mind is trying to make sense of from the day. As well as doing maintenance and repairs to Your body while You are sleeping.

Three cheers for the snooze button.

But these thoughts, they are special. They are exclusive and unique to You. Because they pop into only Your mind.

Start paying attention to them, write them down, and act on them. By doing so You are capturing ideas and solutions.

"AH yes, that's what it means." "Now I get it."


A thought may be totally unrelated to what You are doing right now. And You're thinking "where on earth did that come from?" 

"Why did I just think that?"

Then You dismiss that thought as silly. But remember, that thought came into Your mind. It is Your thought, unique to You. And just might happen to have something to do with something else.

A missing part of a puzzle.

Have You ever been astounded by some people's ideas and inventions. "What made you think of that?" "How did you come up with that idea?" You ask.

Entrepreneurs act on thoughts, and work on ideas.

Problems are common to everyone. Most people with problems are looking for a solution. Or just put up with the problem, and give up. Some people look at a problem to solve it, to come up with a solution.

Successful people learn to solve their problems.

Million dollar businesses started as an idea.

So make a note of Your thoughts. Thoughts are Your personal goldmine. And that puzzle will nearly be complete.

Thoughts are fickle.

Like clouds, thoughts come from nowhere out of the big blue yonder. They float in the sky for a while, then float off. Never to be heard of again. Another lost opportunity.

You Are Three Minds:

Your mind is made up of three minds. Your brain is an organ. Different and separate from Your Mind.

Three: Your Conscious Mind, Your Subconscious Mind, Your Higher Mind.

Your Conscious Mind: Is the computer, for thinking, talking, reasoning, deciding, and for doing day-to-day things.

Your Subconscious Mind: Is the engine, the powerhouse, the doer. Running on a program of Your beliefs, Your Habits, and Your Emotions. And instructions from the keyboard operator, Your Conscious Mind.

And when left to its own devices, acts out Your beliefs, habits, and emotions on auto-pilot. Your default operating system.

At Your disposal or peril.

Your default operating system is like a computer program or app You can buy, and install on Your computer. This program is only as good as it is programmed and how it functions.

It is only as good and useful as to how well You use it, and to the extent You use it. Anything, no matter how good it is, when left idle is useless.

The World's Best and Most Powerful Computer is only as good and useful as the instructions it receives from the keyboard operator (You).

Using it fully, using all its functions. Or. Only using some of it, and partly. So, it depends on how good the program is, and how well You use it.

And it unconsciously causes You to do things without You having to think about them. Which could be good for You, or bad for You.

Your Higher Mind: Is the WI-FI, which gets signals from the intelligence of the Universe. 

It's Your gut feeling center. Letting You know what feels right for You or wrong for You. Intuition and hunches come to You through Your Higher Mind. 

Ideas and solutions come to You through Your Higher Mind.

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Why Don't My Affirmations Work?

Even though reciting affirmations is a good process. Without a corresponding congruent feeling, affirmations become lame. The process then has a flaw.

Because affirmations without a congruent feeling don't excite Your Subconscious Mind to bring about a wanted change.

Words recited over and over again and again, are just words said by rote. Sure things are memorized by the rote method. These words become ingrained into Your memory. But only that, ingrained into Your memory.

For no useful purpose. 

When affirmations are recited with a conflicting feeling or disbelief, the process is neutralized. Because the affirmation and feeling are at odds with each other.

Your Subconscious Mind is getting mixed messages, 'thinking' this is B.S.
Because on the one hand, You are saying X. On the other hand, You are doing Y.

On the one hand, desire.
< I want to lose weight >
On the other hand, belief.
< Diets don't work for me >

Because of the conflict, the opposite, same old thing, no result, people become discouraged with affirmations. And produce their own "evidence", "see I told you so", that "affirmations don't work".

An incongruent situation. Not a "win win", but a "lose lose".

Diagram shows difference between being Congruent and Incongruent  #buddyblogideas
How To Create A Win-Win Situation

Now for the good encouraging news.

When You are consciously in command of Your Conscious Mind and Your Subconscious Mind, that's when winning the ballgame begins. And becomes fun.

Changing unwanted beliefs and not-so-nice habits, become a walk in the park like clockwork on a sunny spring afternoon.

Some things require a bit longer in the park. Some things require only a short brisk walk.

So, commanding Your Subconscious Mind is possible. You are not stuck.

You just 'thought' You were. A little stuck in Your thinking. You can change that.

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Loop The Loop. Are You Loopy?

To explain this we'll use, a heating unit, or air conditioning unit, or refrigerator. 

For these appliances to work properly and effectively they need a mechanism called a Cybernetic Loop.

This mechanism, simply put, consists of a selector to set the temperature. Temperature sensors. A thermostat to regulate the signal to On/Off solenoids in the heating or cooling units. All to keep the temperature within the set range.

You have a similar Cybernetic loop system working within You. Whereby Your thoughts affect Your feelings, and Your feelings affect Your thoughts.

To maintain the status quo of Your character.

Your inner thermostat determines how You feel physically. An up-beat wanting to dance energy, or a down-in-the-dumps lethargy.

How You think and feel about Yourself. Your self-esteem level.

Whether You are eager to climb Everest, and conquer the world, or accept mediocrity.

The Plastic Surgeon: 

Maxwell Maltz through his work as a plastic/cosmetic surgeon became perplexed about human behavior. Just as well.

After he'd operated on people to remove scars, blemishes, and other unsightly disfigurements and the imperfections were completely gone. Some patients still saw themselves as ugly.

This perplexed Maltz, and he had to find out why this was. After researching for some time he thought they had some sort of mental block or "blindness".

On the outside these certain people looked fabulous, but on the inside they still felt like crap. Still seeing themselves as before the surgery had improved their appearance.

Before Maltz's investigation, Scotomas were associated with eyesight only. Commonly referred to as a person's blind spot.

Scotomas are recognized in psychology as well now. These mental scotomas give explanation as to why a person can not see the improved changed.

And continue as a sort of victim of disfigurement.

Maltz wrote a book about his research and discovery. Here's an interesting summary of his book Pyscho-Cybernetics. In this summary Maltz offers suggestions for mental self improvement.

And for more about the book checkout 10 Lessons from Psycho-Cybernetics.

So, when You set Your inner thermostat with a command to 'Be Happy' or 'Be Confident' or 'Be Courageous' You are working on removing scotomas. Removing blindspots from Your greater vision.

These blocks may have come about through a traumatic situation. Childhood conditioning. Or any one of a number of reasons which prevent people from moving forward and upward.

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How To Recognize Mental Blocks:

Start with Your self talk. What You say to Yourself. What You say about Yourself. What You criticize Yourself about. What You wish you were good at. What You wish You could do, have, be.

What things about people are You critical of? What do You admire about someone? These are a reflection or criticism of Yourself. 
We don't or won't want to see ourselves in a bad light. But those same things we refuse to see or acknowledge are recognizable in other people.

Other people are a mirror of ourselves.

Two questions to consider:
"Of what value, as a person, am I to others?"
"Why would others want to spend their time with me?"

And conversely:
"Of what value, as a person, is he/she to me?"
"Why would I want to spend my time with him/her?" 

With these questions we can get a measure of ourselves, and get a measure of other people.

I think this questioning goes on subconsciously, in all human interactions, and when first meeting someone. Something instinctual, intuitive.

You are seeing things in others You may not see in Yourself. Because of self-protection or ego. (as I wrote this, a song popped into my mind. The Edge of Reality by Elvis Presley. "... dark shadows follow me") How true, until we shine a light on them.

How do You feel in certain situations? With certain people?

Become a detective, investigate. As though You are putting together a personality profile of a character for a self improvement course.

You are now collecting clues, putting the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle together.

By not working on Yourself.

Your compass and course have been charted by default. You'll be letting life happen to You. Blown and tossed about by the winds of chance.


When You overcome an obstacle and then another obstacle. You are re-setting the compass and mapping you own course. Sure You'll make mistakes. So what.

But You'll be living more and more on Your own terms. Steering Your ship. Sailing through Your life. Not letting life pass You by.

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How To Command On Demand:

Your Conscious Mind is objective: factual, thinking, creative, calculating, deciding. Your Conscious Mind is the "Master".

And is the "Gatekeeper" of Your Subconscious Mind.

Your Subconscious Mind is subjective: internal, personal, emotional, instinctive, intuitive, Impressionistic, biased, prejudicial, irrational. Your Subconscious Mind is the "Subject".

The "Subject" takes orders from, and deals with what comes through, the "Master" (Gatekeeper).

The orders come from Your Conscious Mind, the "Master" and "Gatekeeper", but the power comes from Your Subconscious Mind, the "Subject".

Now that You know this, You can take control of this power and direct it, as the "Captain". For Your benefit.

You are now the "Captain" (the "Master Mind").

Issuing instructions and orders to the "Master" (Your Conscious Mind).

The "Master" passing on these orders and instructions to the "Subject" (Your Subconscious Mind) to execute and fulfill.

Not convinced how this works? Consider this.

Let's say You are thinking about what to cook for dinner.

And then You ask Yourself "what will I wear tomorrow?". Who is saying that?

You switched Your thinking from dinner to what You'll wear.

Better still, You need to finish writing a report.

"Focus and concentrate to finish this report."

Who is saying that, who or what is giving the command to Your Conscious Mind?

Who asked "what will I wear tomorrow?".

Who or what dictates what You think about, and how You do it?

Who decides what You deliberately think about?

Who is the You who gave an order to Your Conscious Mind?

If Your Subconscious Mind gets orders and instructions from Your Conscious Mind. Who is giving orders and instructions to Your Conscious Mind?

An entity separate and aside from Your Conscious Mind. Would You then be Consciousness? (The Captain).

You are that entity, that "Being", Consciousness above Your Minds.

You then, are operating in the physical world on this planet through Your body.

That is who You really are. Consciousness to use intelligence, direct minds, to direct Your body, to operate as a "person" in this supposedly physical world.

Captain Consciousness.

"Be conscious 95% of the time of what goes from your hand to your mouth." Was Deanna Latson's advice on health and eating. 

So, for You, be conscious 95% of the time being conscious.

Another way is, 'be aware 95% of the time being conscious'.

Or, watch over Your Conscious Mind 95% of the time. Keep it to the task at hand.   

The Buddhist's have a saying "keep your mind where your hands are".

Are You washing the dishes? Or. Are You washing the dishes?

Are You washing the dishes and You are thinking about something else or You are off in a completely different place than in the kitchen?


Are You washing the dishes and Your mind is where Your hands are?

Most of us need training to use our minds better. To train Yourself back to Your rightful throne in Your realm.

Training the "Monkey Mind", as the Buddhists call it, to being in control of Your Conscious Mind.

Not only are thoughts fickled, but so is the mind fickled. Until trained.

So that You are the Master Mind (Captain Consciousness) and not the Servant of the Monkey Mind. Training so that being conscious or aware becomes a habitual way of life.

Otherwise as Ive learned the hard way of being out of control and having to pay the price for the wrong things.

Diagram showing how to be a person of power  #buddyblogideas
Your Moment Of Power is Between Stimulus & Response
Grab It Tight With Both Hands

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Have You Noticed Something?

Throughout this article I have deliberately written you, your, as You, Your.

That's right, referring to You the Consciousness. Not referring to You a reader.

This article has been my life experience. I started off this article as an idea, something to write about. But I actually was writing this for me. What I needed to do. To be able to fashion my life the way I wanted it.

This is what I needed to do to, to "get it".

The concept of this article, not the writing part, has been years in the making. A work in progress. As is life, a continual work in progress.

But which way and in which direction, or by someone else's idea?

Or, to be,

"The captain of Your Soul and Master of Your Destiny."

* "To be, or not to be, that is the question:" From William Shakespeare's "Hamlet".

When intentions and actions align, OR are in conflict.

Let's say You feel weak in certain situations. Or are challenged at work.

The opposite of weak would be strong, powerful, but without having to be forceful, aggressive.

What if You could assert Yourself in a commanding way that was decisive and helpful?

How could You do this or make Yourself into such a person? 

"Be" is a verb, a doing word. An action word. To be or not to be. Be, a very simple but powerful word, verb.

So is Am, I am.

In the context of this process, Be is a way, and part of 'being'. Being as a verb, an action.

The Solution, Problem Be Gone:

The "Be" Command Process.
  • Chose one thing to work on, change, or improve.
  • Chose an appropriate keyword that fits this one thing.
  • Issue the command silently consciously, or out loud consciously in a present tense, positive, up-lifting tone. Congruous, thought and feeling match.
  • At the same time as issuing the command, be conscious that Your body matches the command (feeling in mind and body). At the same time as issuing the command, allow Your body to adjust itself accordingly. (I've found my body does this automatically) If You are unaccustomed to a particular stance, assist the command. If the Command is, "Be Tall", then Stand Tall.
  • You can, as many times as You want, issue the same command.
  • The more times the merrier. Repetition reinforces learning. Repetition creates new habits.
  • Until this "Be (keyword)" becomes Your natural habitual way of "Being".
  • Then move onto the next "one thing".
  • You can have two, three, or more similar commands. Working together. You are not limited to one only at a time.
  • For a command of "Be Happy", try "Be Cheerful", "Be Enthusiastic, "Be Outgoing", as well. Have a chorus of similar commands.
  • Remember, a corresponding associated feeling is necessary at all times. Be aware of what a conflicting or opposite feeling or belief is. Counter the conflicting or opposite with the corresponding associated feelings or belief. "Act as If" it is 100% true and real.

You are now issuing a congruent command to Your obedient Subconscious Mind to be "powerful", or "confident", or "decisive".

Whatever it is You are working on, make sure Your words and actions are aligned, congruent.

This is a simple but powerful command from You, the Captain, to the Master to the Subject. Your Chain of Command. Then all parts are in harmony working together.

It could be said then, that You are "keeping promises to Yourself", being true to Yourself. And this gives You a pleasant feeling of contentment.

You are, okay with Yourself. A person of Your word. Your Word is Your Wand.

Raising You honor and fulfilling Your Sacred Oath.

As Aristotle suggests, "Know Thyself".

Where, How, When:

At work or in a meeting. Social get togethers. School reunions. You can issue commands to Yourself. No one will know what You are doing. But people will start taking notice of You. As You grow into that command.

When riding the bus into town, no one will know You are commanding.

Developing anything takes time, discipline, persistence. And repetition. You learned that from school. To get a maths grade.

The more times You command the more often You will be in that state. And it is becoming a habitual way of life. A part of who You are.

The posture, stance, demeanor for confidence, enthusiasm, productive, effective, powerful, radiant, strong are all basically the same.

I hope You read this several times to "get it". The same as I had to to "get it". 

The ability is already within You, the want too is available to You. Getting anything is determined by how much You want it. How much You "Want Too".

"Get it?"

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Let's Do The Maths:

Can You improve on something, anything by 1%? I bet You Can. To walk a mile is one step at a time.

Let's say You are only 1% good at (this). Whatever this is. Could You Improve by 1%. The odds are pretty good and in Your favor. Of improving by just 1%.

Now You're at 2%. Doesn't sound impressive. But, it's a 100% improvement.

Have an attitude to be twice as good. It may not always work out. But if You persist with that attitude, improving is inevitable.

What if You worked at being twice as good as 2% to 4%. That is another 100% improvement. By striving to be twice as good, just day by day, You are also developing good habits. Learning that discipline is not hard work or to be feared.

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How To Make Discipline A Fun Thing:

A fun way of commanding and reprograming Your way to a better life is while walking. Every second, or third step issue a command. Swing Your arms freely, smile and laugh. Every step counts towards that mile. 

What about at the gym? Hit the command button every second or third rep.

Reprogramming / Commanding Training is much like starting on Your first day at the gym

Your first day at the gym, You manage to get in,
4 pushups,
squeeze in 5 sit-ups,
struggle for 11 minutes on the treadmill,
fall off the bike after 14 minutes.

Was that You at Your best? NO.
That was You at Your worst. On the first day.
But, You are determined. And go every day.

After the first week, not much improvement.
After the second week, You've doubled Your first day.
After the third week, You've tippled Your first day.
After the fourth week, You don't need a trainer to push You.

Benjamin Franklin's Plan: 

Benjamin Franklin proved to himself he could become who he wanted to be. Franklin was thought to have been the first person to come up with a self-development course.

It has been suggested by others to keep Your goals and dreams to Yourself. And work on one goal at a time.

Why keep your goals to yourself. By not telling others about Your plans, You are avoiding nay-sayers. Even family members. They may be well-meaning, but can crush Your hopes with their own doubts.

Working on one thing at a time consistently. Then, improvement is inevitable. It's really just a process.

In a pocket book Franklin wrote 10 virtues he wanted to instill or improve.

He picked one.

At the end of the day, if he felt satisfied with his performance regarding that one virtue, he would put a checkmark next to that virtue. 

When he had 30 consecutive checkmarks, he moved onto the next virtue. Benjamin Franklin worked on 10.

Over a year You can achieve a dozen or more. And the cumulative effect kicks in and helps to carry You along.

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What Will The Consequences Be?: 

I came up with this question, before writing this. As a way to become more responsible. To think ahead before diving in head first.

To look down the road and be able to make better choices. Rather than just act on impulses.

Then, consequently, this helped to avoid having to pay the price for bad choices. And chose more wisely.

For deciding, working things out, ask "What will the consequences be?"

Asking this question is very helpful with planning.

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I Wish You Well: 

Thank You for reading this far. This article is short and shallow in parts. I hope it spurs You on to want to know more and consequently educate Yourself further.

Educate comes from the Latin word 'Educare'. Which means to 'lead out', 'grow from within'.

Grow the value and wealth within You. Growth is the natural order of all things in Nature. Grow or wither.

Be kind to Yourself by being patient with Your learning and efforts. But persist and never give up. Life is diverse. Learning can take You down new paths, and on different adventures.

You are Your best asset, and well worth the investment.

Living in a state of congruency and harmony means You are living with Integrity. People love a person of integrity. A warmness radiates which attracts friendship and opportunities. 

Generating health, wealth, and happiness. And most importantly, You are becoming a more valuable person.

Thank You.

Be > Be Now > Be Powerful Now > Be Powerful

Be... Very Important. 
You, as an important person and as a valuable member of society.

One Snowflake can start an Avalanche.
One Thought can create an Empire.

Enjoy unlocking Your wealth, and unblocking You Greatness.

The "Be" Command Process.
  • Chose one thing to work on, change, or improve.
  • Chose an appropriate keyword that fits this one thing.
  • Issue the command silently consciously, or out loud consciously in a present tense, positive, up-lifting tone. Congruous, thought and feeling match.
  • At the same time as issuing the command, be conscious that your body matches the command. At the same time as issuing the command, allow Your body to adjust itself accordingly. (I've found my body does this automatically) If You are unaccustomed to a particular stance, assist the command. If the Command is, "Be Tall", then Stand Tall.
  • You can, as many times as You want, issue the same command.
  • The more times the merrier. Repetition reinforces learning. Repetition creates new habits.
  • Until this "Be (keyword)" become Your natural habitual way of "Being".
  • Then move onto the next "one thing".
  • You can have two, three, or more similar commands. Working together. You are not limited to one only at a time.
  • For a command of "Be Happy", try "Be Cheerful", "Be Enthusiastic, "Be Outgoing", as well. Have a chorus of similar commands.
  • Remember, a corresponding associated feeling is necessary at all times. Be aware of what a conflicting or opposite feeling or belief is. Counter the conflicting or opposite with the corresponding associated feelings or belief. "Act as If" it is 100% true and real.
P.S. I hope you enjoyed this post and got value from it. Your feedback is important to us, and greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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