How To Master Wealth In 4 Steps by Dr. Joseph Murphy

 Your Mind is a Fertile Garden. 
Be choosey of which seeds you plant, water, and nourish. 
For they will surely grow. 
This is a re-written transcript of a YouTube video of Dr. Joseph Murphy explaining the technique to mastering wealth, published by NEVILLE & THE LAW.

As narrated by Joseph Murphy.
Follow this technique and you’ll never want for wealth all the days of your life. For, this technique, is the master key to wealth.

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Is to reason it out in your mind, and come to the conclusion. That God, or the life principle, or the living spirit, is the source of the universe.

The galaxies in space and everything you see. Whether you look at the stars in the sky, the mountains, the lakes, the deposits in the earth and the sea, or all animals and plants. The life principle gave birth to you. And all the powers, qualities, and attributes of God are within you.

Come to a simple conclusion that everything you see and are aware of, came out of the invisible mind of the infinite, or the life principle. And that everything that man has invented, created, or made, came out of the invisible mind of man. And the mind of man and the mind of God are one.

For there's only one mind. That mind is common to all individual men. Everyone is an inlet and outlet to all that is.

Come now to a clear-cut decision, that God is the source of your supply of energy, vitality, health, creative ideas, the source of the Sun, the air you breathe, the apple you eat, and the money in your pocket.

For everything is, been, inside and out of the invisible.

It is as easy for God to become wealth in your life as it is to become a blade of grass or a crystal of snow.

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Decide now to engrave in your subconscious mind the idea of wealth. Ideas are conveyed to the subconscious by repetition, faith, and expectancy. 

By repeating a thought pattern or an act over and over again, it becomes automatic, and your subconscious being compulsive, you will be compelled to express wealth.

The pattern is the same as learning to walk, swim, play the piano, type, or drive a car. You must believe in what you're affirming. It’s not mumbo-jumbo, it’s not idle affirmations.

You must believe in what you're affirming like you believe that when you put seeds in the ground they grow after their kind. And the seeds are thoughts deposited in your own subconscious mind. Realize that what you are affirming is like the apple seeds you deposit in the ground and they grow after their kind.

You can imagine these seeds going from your conscious to your subconscious mind and being reproduced on the screen of space.

By watering and fertilizing these seeds you accelerate their growth. Know what you are doing, and why you are doing it, you are writing it with your conscious pen in your subconscious mind.

Because, you know, wealth is.

Walk down the street and you see it. Can you count the flowers along the road as you drive? Can you count the sands in the seashore? Can you count the stars in the sky?

Can you count the wealth that you're walking on?

Yes, underneath you, may be oils, gold, silver, uranium.

If you ever think of the riches of the sea, the soil, the air.


Repeat the following affirmation for about five minutes night and morning.

“I am now writing in my subconscious mind the idea of God’s wealth. God is the source of my supply and I know God is the life principle within me. And I know I'm alive and all my needs are met at every moment of time and point of space. God’s wealth flows freely, joyously, and ceaselessly into my experience. And I give thanks for God's riches forever circulating in my experience.”


When thoughts of lack come to you. Such as, I can't afford that trip, or I can't meet that note in the bank, or I can't pay that bill.

Never never finish a negative statement about finances.

This is mandatory.

Reverse it immediately in your mind by affirming, 

“God is my instant and ever lasting supply and that bill is paid in divine order”.

If a negative thought comes to you fifty times in one hour. Reverse it each time by thinking and affirming “God is my instant supply meeting that need right now”.

And after a while the thought of financial lack will lose all momentum and you will find your subconscious is being conditioned to wealth.

If you look at a new car for example, never say I can’t buy that or I can't afford it. Your subconscious takes you literally and blocks all your good.

On the contrary say to yourself, 

“that car is for sale, it is a divine idea and I accept it in divine order through divine love”.

This is the master key to wealth.

It's impossible for any sincere person to practice this technique and not have all the wealth he or she needs all the days of your life.

So follow it and you are setting the law of opulence in operation. It will work for you as well as for anybody else. The law of mind is no respecter of persons.

Your thoughts make you wealthy or poor, choose the riches of life right here and right now.

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this post and got value from it. Your feedback is important to us and greatly appreciated. Did you get ideas? Please leave a comment, and to share with others. Thank you.

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This is a re-written transcript of a YouTube video of Dr. Joseph Murphy explaining the technique to mastering wealth, published by NEVILLE & THE LAW.

Here is the link: 

Dr. Joseph Murphy’s; 4 Keys To Mastering Wealth

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