Are You Stuck? Use This To Cross The Abyss To A New Life
How To Leap The Abyss I've had enough of living like this! What do I need to do to make the change? When and what is "Enough is Enough"? How Am I Living? This Side of The Abyss. (The Old Me, current) Q. Why am I acting this way? Define what this way is. A. Q. What is the payout, the reward for this behavior? A. Q. How do I truly (truthfully) see myself currently? A. Q. How do I think others see me truthfully? A. Q. What do I fear? A. Q. Is there an underlying motive for playing low? A. Q. Courses and classes are money in our pocket, why am I holding back? A. Q. What are my beliefs about?: ? Success; A. ? Money; A. ? Prosperity; A. ? Integrity; A. ? Health; A. ? People; A, ? Partner; A. ? Grooming; A. ? Character; A. Q. Am I playing "The Victim"? A. Q. What pri