Here's How You Can Make Today Awesome!

How To Make Today The Best Day Of Your Life

Here's How You Can Make Today Awesome! - Buddy Blog Ideas

You've just woken from a dream, and it can come true in your life. In this dream, a prophet spoke to you. And said, "today when you wake it will be the first day of the best of your life".

You are a living creature and part of the life cycle. You are born, live for a time and then die. The two bookends of life, birth, and death. You have no control over. But, the in between, your life, you do have control over.

And it is strictly up to you what you do.

Okay, so there you are sitting on the edge of your bed. Thinking about what this prophet said to you. With today in front of you, and is it really the first day of your life.

What are your thoughts?

Will you sit there and wait for the inevitable end. Is there one thing you absolutely want and with only one day, go for it?

Really you have only had one today and another one today and another one today anyway.

Tomorrow is promised to no one. And you are not the exception.

If only you had heard St. Edmund of Canterbury say to you many years ago “Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die tomorrow”.

So, it’s crunch time. The beginning of a new day. You get the same amount of time as everyone else. No more no less. 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86,400 seconds.

The clock is ticking. 

The prophet didn’t say what you can do and can’t do today. He left that strictly up to you. As has been the case for all of the other todays.

The prophet didn’t say what you can do and can’t do today.

He did mention you have great wealth.

Your wealth consists of four things:

  • Your underutilized mind.
  • Your talents.
  • Your abilities.
  • Time. 86,400 seconds.
Add to this, your experience, achievements, hobbies, desires, and goals.

A very old man decided he wanted an oak tree in his garden. And told the gardener where to plant it. In disbelief, the gardener replied, but an oak tree takes 100 years to grow fully.

The old man calmly said, 'better plant it today then'.

It has been said that most people wake in the morning in neutral.

Is your attitude in the morning, positive, negative or neutral? Are you poised in neutral ready to react to whatever happens? How you start your day is entirely up to you.

One way, before getting out of bed is to put a smile on your face. Even a forced smile is in the right direction. And when you do this morning after morning it becomes a good habit.

Okay Okay! 

Enough of the gloom and doom.

While sitting on the edge of your bed (with a smile on your face), What is that one thing you would really really love to have, or do?

You see, what sets you apart from all the other animals on the planet is that you have the capacity to think. Add to that, imagination, which only humans can do. So that makes you a superstar.

It has also been said that we can only imagine what we are capable of achieving.

While you are sitting there, think of small easy things. And let your mind run free. Let your imagination run free. And see, in your mind’s eye, what it is you really want.

If you can knock out a shopping list in your mind, you can also knock out a plan for what it is you want, do or have.

Maybe you haven’t allowed yourself to do that before. Or even knew you could.

But today being today and possibly your last, would you go for it? Or think what’s the point. If something unpleasant has happened, had you thought “if only”.

What is that “if only”? Run that through your mind. And then let your mind run free for answers and plans.

Grab a pen and paper and write all these down, no matter how remote, ridiculous or absurd. Don’t think, just write. You may just be on the brink of capturing that one great idea.

That idea that doesn’t seem like much, but can make all the difference. Something else said is, “a mans muscles no matter how well developed are puny alongside some of the dumbest of animals, but a man's mind can lift anything”.

And so can you.

In the privacy of your own mind, you can conjure up all sorts of things. And this is important, privacy. To keep these imaginings private.

There are many well-meaning people, but ignorant. There are many more naysayers that will try to kill your ideas.

Write these on your own private “bucket list”.

Think about this.

If there was only a .00001% chance of changing or improving something. Could you improve it by just .00001%, to .00002%? Yes, you can. Well then, you have made a 100% improvement.

And could you improve on that again, by just .00002%? To .00004%. That is another 100% improvement. Which now is a 400% improvement on the original.

Now you can see how just a little tweak can be effective. And what power and momentum you are building. So pick just one little thing, and let yourself run free.

Remember, your mind is your richest resource.

The secret of success and the secret of failure is the same. “We become what we think about”.

Whatever direction you allow your mind to follow, you will go in that direction. Do you believe in yourself? Perhaps you are not confident in all areas of your life.

And some talents or abilities are embarrassing for you. You would prefer to keep those hidden. But what a shame that would be. With a bit of polishing that one or two talents or abilities, how better a person you would be? You are the teacher and the student.

What score would you give yourself?

You also are the counselor. What advice would you give yourself?

What If?

What if the prophet was wrong, AND he was sent to the wrong dream?

Would just go about your day as you have been doing all along. Or … what you have been reading isn’t just fantasy blah blah!

And this got you to do some serious thinking. And you do want some things better in your life.

What now, and how?

Grab that pen and paper. Make a list of all the things you don’t like about your life. Number each item on that list from the worst to the less worst. Go through that list and see if one or more is similar or common to others.

Are there different groups of items on that list that you can bundle together.

What areas of your life are giving you the most problems.

Looking at this problem from the .00001%, what tweaks could you make to improve things.

Write them down on paper.

This is your starting point to make 100% improvements. What you are actually doing is taking inventory of the dead stock in your company.

This is Your Life

You are improving it, or deleting it. Getting rid of the troublesome clutter out of your life.

This is Your Life, so be ruthless, be totally honest with yourself. You are the President of your company, and you have the power to make the decisions.

You are now well on your way to make your life better.


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