
Showing posts with the label imagination

Providence Begins The Moment You Make A Start.

Providence “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it  now.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe P.S.  I hope you enjoyed this post and benefited from it. What are your thoughts about this? Did it help you in some way? Did you get an idea? Perhaps share with others. Please leave a comment.

How to Live Fully - Chase You Dreams

Dreams Keep You Alive So many people are quick to tell you to give up. What they are actually saying is that they can't do something. To live fully, to feel alive, chase your dreams with all your heart. And, keep your dreams to yourself. That way. No naysayers.  And no wasting precious time with naysayers.   You'll be surprised by how much more you will achieve. P.S.  I hope you enjoyed this post and benefited from it. What are your thoughts about this? Did it help you in some way? Did you get an idea? Perhaps share with others. Please leave a comment.

Belief In Yourself That You Can

When You Believe - You Have Vision Of all the processes and methods of self-development, self-help, empowerment, and all the rest. It boils down to belief in yourself, "Believe In Your Self That You Can". How many Gods created the Universe. Well, how many people does it take to change a lightbulb? One.  You are the only one needed to believe in you. Even if all the world believes in you, and you don't, it will not make a cracker's difference to the world.  But... when you believe in yourself it will make a world of difference to you, and others. So, at least try, don't sell yourself short. And don't "let the music die in you". P.S.  I hope you enjoyed this post and benefited from it. What are your thoughts about this? Did it help you in some way? Did you get an idea? Perhaps share with others. Please leave a comment.

Which Kitchen is Your Favorite? (30 pics)

Kitchens can be as individual as you are. And as functional as a restaurant's. Let's face it, it is a well-used part of the house. At least three times a day for each member of the household. The kitchen is the hub for dinner parties and is still part and parcel when outdoor at the BBQ. Getting ideas and seeing other kitchens is a great idea. Particularly when building a house or planning the big makeover.    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  30

Here's How You Can Make Today Awesome!

How To Make Today The Best Day Of Your Life You've just woken from a dream, and it can come true in your life. In this dream, a prophet spoke to you. And said, "today when you wake it will be the first day of the best of your life". You are a living creature and part of the life cycle. You are born, live for a time and then die. The two bookends of life, birth, and death. You have no control over. But, the in between, your life, you do have control over. And it is strictly up to you what you do. Okay, so there you are sitting on the edge of your bed. Thinking about what this prophet said to you. With today in front of you, and is it really the first day of your life. What are your thoughts ? Will you sit there and wait for the inevitable end. Is there one thing you absolutely want and with only one day, go for it? Really you have only had one today and another one today and another one today anyway. Tomorrow is promised to no one. And you are not

Wealthy Thinking Will Produce Wealthy Results

Is Penny Thinking Holding You Back? “I bargained with life for a penny, and life would pay no more … “  And one morning  I realized penny thinking was holding me back. Many years ago, I pulled over and stopped on a freeway in Melbourne . Where my right foot first touched the road lay a penny.  What was of particular interest, is the penny and I were minted in the same year. So I put the penny in my wallet and thought of it as my lucky penny. I will always have money in my wallet and will never be poor. On Saturday morning I went in the car to buy three plants. I carried one plant and had my iPad and wallet in my other hand. And the nursery assistant carried the other two plants. Reaching the car I placed the iPad and wallet on the back of the car and opened the front passenger door. The three plants traveled home on the car floor. At home in the driveway, I went around the back of the car  to the passenger side . And, in shock, I noticed the iPad was s

Amazing Things Are Achieved By Unusual People Like You

Life's Tragedy - When We Don't Become All We Can  "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.". Hillary. "The tragedy of life is not death. The tragedy of life is what dies within us while we are still alive". Nothing is achieved without effort. There are truths and lessons in that little quote. And so learning is a process, lifelong. Day in and day out. Whether you consciously go about it. Or haphazardly on the hop.  And maybe one day you realize, you learn to learn more anyway. It is also true for writing. That is what writing is, communicating thoughts ideas instructions and many other things. So as to be understood clearly and conveniently.      When it came to fleshing out a new website with content, I slid off the mountain... And there I sat at the bottom battered and bruised. Progress However painfully slow, is still progress. And how easy it is to march through a book or course without doing the exercises. But Oh how painfu

You'll Love Yourself More When You Do This

How To Live The Free Life Without Bad Habits   Section 6 (The following is another section from “Asking And Getting What You Want … positive prayer secrets” booklet by Thomas L. Hall) *This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission. You will NOT be charged extra if you make a purchase through these links.*        This section can free you from any bad habits you may have.      First, let me remind you of what I wrote on the first page. I made a confession what I was about to write would concern details of the most intimate nature about my personal life.      There is a worry on my part that when you read what I’m about to write, I may lose the chance to be your friend. I hope not because I want us to be friends.      As you read the following, please understand what is going to be told must be told. And in knowing, you may reclaim your own life as you will understand as the section unfolds. The miracle        Only in rec

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