Lost The Girl House Truck And Dog - So What


It is commonly thought there are really only two basic motivating factors when it comes
to self-motivation. Inspiration or desperation? Which one works best for you?
Inspiration or desperation, it doesn’t really matter. Either one will do just as well as the other.


Whichever one motivates you to take action is the okay one to use. Both do the same job.

Just from different perspectives. And through different circumstances or situations.

Sure, one is nicer than the other. One is more pleasant and the situation is ‘better’ than the other.
But either way, being motivated is the action needed. It fuels your desire to move, to take a step. Either a step forward to what you want or a step away from what you don’t want.

One step and motivation is all you need.

Then another, and another, and another.
So, it doesn’t matter which. One is no more important than the other.
They come with different attitudes. But both spur on a similar outcome when used in a positive way. Or more of the same if nothing is done.
Self-doubt, low confidence, low self-esteem. Are just billboards along the road! They are not road-blocks blocking your path.  But if you stop and look at them, you can become dazed like a deer in the headlights.
If you have these feelings, it’s up to you to do something about this. Self-talk is your best defense and ally.
And yes, having to ‘fake it to make it’ seems false. But used by many to overcome these doubts, fears, and to build confidence. In a room on your own. You can practice. Talk to yourself out loud. In the third voice. Speak to yourself using your name. “Now Bill, you can do this.”
And that’s all it takes. Practice. In your own privacy, a room or in your mind to yourself.
“Act as if”, fake it to make it. Just takes practice.
Even the best of the best at times have doubt. And have trained themselves to not gaze into the headlights, not stop at the billboards. But to look ahead, look at where they are going, wanting to do.
All they do is dig a little deeper into themselves. So can you. You also have the same ability. It’s just a matter of doing and practice.

Now for the glicken     

So, give yourself a little gift, even if it’s only one day at a time.
Do you know how habits are formed and become automatic? Why you wonder, “Why did I just do that?” I didn’t mean to.
Simply by doing the same thing enough times. Over and over, again and again. This is also how good habits are formed and become automatic.
It’s been said, “your mind is like a garden.” It can become overrun with weeds or nicely cultivated, to your liking.
Life is life! It ain’t all roses and glitter. Roll with the punches, get up and try again. A person has failed only when they stay down. And decide to give up. You can decide to get up.
There’s nothing wrong with looking down. Particularly down from the billboards and watching your next step. Looking down to where you put your next step. That’s ok to do.
Do you have any tips for others? What are your thoughts on this post? Please feel free to comment.


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