What If You Were Totally Honest With Yourself What Would You Strive For?

Strive for Honesty

and to muster the courage...

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Honesty and courage are game-changers despite
all manner of handicaps. 

If I were totally honest with myself ...,

Despite and in spite of ... I can always find the courage to do something positive and constructive.

Even with this feeling of (. . . . .) present, but have enough courage anyway, I could be doing something positive right now.

"Faith is a belief in something yet to happen or
come into existence."

"Have Faith in the power of your belief."

A - What would I have the courage to CHANGE right now?

B - What would I have the courage to DO right now?

Think of both of these questions as a "Want List".
A "Want List" is advocated by many people.

'What Do I REALLY REALLY WANT to Change?' List


If I had permission. Permission from who or what?

- The deepest craving for every human being is for recognition. 
- So, why does it need to come from someone else as to how you feel about yourself? 
- When, before you can actually feel a certain way depends on whether you accept this or not. 
- So, then, in actual fact, recognition and permission are actually and ultimately your decision regardless.

Courage Definitions:

  • the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery: she called on all her courage to face the ordeal.
  • strength in the face of pain or grief: he fought his illness with great courage.
  • act on one's beliefs despite danger or disapproval: lead your own life and have the courage of your convictions.
  • make an effort to do something that frightens on: I plucked up the courage to go out by myself.
  • nerve oneself to do something that frightens one: taking her courage in both hands, she knocked on the door.

Bravery Definition:

  • courageous behavior or character: perhaps I'll get a medal for bravery.

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A - What would I have the courage to
CHANGE right now?

Q. What do I want to CHANGE right now?
  • Now look at the first item. Is this the number one thing I want to change first?
  • Read number two on the list, and ask "Is this more important to me than number one?"
  • If it is, make number 2 your number one.
  • Then go onto number three and ask "Is this more important to me than number one?"
  • Keep going through the list this way until you are definite about "Your Most Important Number One Item".
  • Then go through the same process to find out "Your Most Important Number Two Item".
  • So as to get the items in their order of importance and priority.
  • Then continue on with "Your Most Important Number One Item", and so on through the list of your 'What Do I REALLY REALLY WANT to CHANGE?' List.
I have the courage to CHANGE this right now,
(ask for each one, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...)

Yes or No (NO maybe)

Do I really have the courage to change this?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

Will I really change this right now?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

Am I being totally honest with myself?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

And, how do I feel right now, having made a decision, become clear?

What is the final step to take to achieve this?

What is the easier step before this one?

And so on until you get to the first step or task to take to achieve what you want to change.

Get the Worksheet Here

Important Note:
How you feel helps to keep you motivated.
If you don't feel like it, you won't do it.
Also WHY you want is motivating.
Having a compelling reason adds strength.

Honesty & Courage - buddy blog ideas

3 happy children - buddy blog ideas

B - What would I have the courage to
DO right now?

Your 'What Do I REALLY REALLY WANT to DO?' List
Q. What do I want to DO right now?
  • Now look at the first item. Is this the number one thing I want to do first?
  • Read number two on the list, and ask "Is this more important to me than number one?"
  • If it is, make number 2 your number one.
  • Then go onto number three and ask "Is this more important to me than number one?"
  • Keep going through the list this way until you are definite about "Your Most Important Number One Item".
  • Then go through the same process to find out "Your Most Important Number Two Item".
  • So as to get the items in their order of importance and priority.
  • Then continue on with "Your Most Important Number One Item", and so on through the list of your 'What Do I REALLY REALLY WANT to DO?' List.
I have the courage to DO this right now,
(ask for each one, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...)

Yes or No (NO maybe)

Do I really have the courage to do this right now?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

Will I really change this right now?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

Am I being totally honest with myself?
Yes or No (NO maybe)

And, how do I feel right now, having made a decision, become clear?

What is the next or first step to take?

What is the easier step before this one?

And so on until you get to the first step or task to take to achieve what you want to change.

Get the Worksheet Here

Important Note:
How you feel helps to keep you motivated.
If you don't feel like it, you won't do it.
Also WHY you want is motivating.
Having a compelling reason adds strength.

Honesty & Courage - buddy blog ideas

Honesty & Courage - buddy blog ideas

I must be honest with you. As I was doing self soul searching, trying to figure things out for myself. 

It came to me. I need to get really honest with myself. 

And so I was writing questions. Sort of coming up with a game plan. 

And then the idea to put this in a question format. That's how this post came about. 

Honesty & Courage - buddy blog ideas


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