You'll Love Yourself More When You Do This

How To Live The Free Life Without Bad Habits 

Section 6
(The following is another section from “Asking And Getting What You Want … positive prayer secrets” booklet by Thomas L. Hall)

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Positive Freedom Prayer #buddyblogideas

     This section can free you from any bad habits you may have.

     First, let me remind you of what I wrote on the first page. I made a confession what I was about to write would concern details of the most intimate nature about my personal life.

     There is a worry on my part that when you read what I’m about to write, I may lose the chance to be your friend. I hope not because I want us to be friends.

     As you read the following, please understand what is going to be told must be told. And in knowing, you may reclaim your own life as you will understand as the section unfolds.

The miracle
      Only in recent years after I’ve reviewed my long life have I seen the miracle that God gives us by belief and asking. Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing?  Aren’t we all smart on Sunday morning when we can look back on Saturday and see how the football game should have been played?

     What would your life have been like if you could know from infancy that anything in this world could be yours simply by asking your Father who created you to give you anything you wanted?

     You and I cannot relive yesterday. Today, as you read this, can truly be the first day of the rest of your life. You can begin now to ask Him for anything you want. And if you believe, your prayer will be answered. God guarantees this.

     Now, I clearly see why God brought me to my knees with the diagnosis of cancer. Why God gave me the yacht so I would have time to reflect on my life and to have time to put these words on paper as He directs for you to read.

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Your now
      God did this for me and for YOU. God caused you to have these words in your hands so your heart and mind would know what is yours NOW in this world.

     If you will get down on your knees, bow your head, clasp your hands and ask your Father, then you will understand His desire is for you to enjoy this life NOW as before.

     Had I known in the beginning what God has taught me these long years, my life could have been free from the mistakes I made.

     And exactly what were those mistakes? The mistakes were what I told you about in the WARNING you first saw in the notice that prompted you to request your free copy of Asking And Getting What You Want. In that warning, I told you to be sure you could accept all God would give you without losing your head. Remember, I put in parentheses these exact words, (“I know, I’ve been there”) What did I know? And where had I been?

     The answers to both of these questions will give you freedom in your life. My errors in my past can break any shackles that may now bind you or someone you love.

“… anything in this world could be yours simply by asking…”

      The part of my life that is painful to recall is during the late 1950s and 1960s. I was really riding high. I had it all. A business that had grown until it ran six days a week twenty-four hours a day with people working around the clock. I had almost three hundred rental units. I had special race cars that I raced with big names at the best tracks from Texas to Illinois and states in between.

     When I would go to New York friends would send a limo and driver for me to come up to Connecticut for the weekend. My wife and children loved all of this. When Christmas came the family and I would fly to Hawaii and rent a luxury type villa with rented sports cars parked in front for our use.

     What could possibly go wrong you might ask? Didn’t I have it all? Yes, I had it all. I had too much.

     Somewhere along the way, I lost God. Remember, I told you no one reinforced my early experiences about prayer by telling me they too had asking experiences.

     Do you remember when one weekly national news magazine came out in the 60’s with the front cover asking if God were dead! Sophisticated people like I associated with never spoke of God. There was never any mention of church or prayer. That sort of thing was for others, not us.

     Of course, I know now what fools we were – what a fool I was.
     Did God punish me for neglecting Him?

     No, He did not because the God I know is not a vengeful God. If I did not want to come to my best friend for help, He was not going to punish me because He knew I would punish myself.

     God knew If I wanted to stumble around in the dark falling over obstacles that was my business. God was always ready with the light. But if I was too cocky to ask for Him to light my path, then my stumbling was of my making, not God’s.

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Playing the fool
      God gives me anything I want just as He will you. So if what I wanted was to play the fool, then God let me play the fool. And did I ever play it!

     My world in those days was deluxe hotel suites, luxury liners, shopping for jewels and mink coats for my wife. The world’s best restaurants – and booze. Lots of booze. The best scotch and brandy money could buy – by the case full. I once told God I liked to booze and I wanted to drink it all. So for the next few years during the 60’s He saw to it that I had plenty. Stacked to the ceiling.

     Then my business in America began to have trouble. I didn’t care. I began to feel physically rotten. It made no difference. I went to Japan and my friends there liked to drink and party as much as I did. We thought we were the beautiful people – rules did not apply to us.

     Everyone everywhere deferred to us. Bowed and scraped when we showed up because we had plenty of money and didn’t mind spending it freely. Easy come easy go. And it did go.

     As I look back on that time in my life, and as I write these words I feel a flush of shame rush over me. I do not like to relate these bad events for fear I’ll lose your respect. But God wants me to write exactly what is being written so you can profit from my mistakes.

The party ends
     Here is what happened to shock me out of the booze period of my life.

     One morning I was sitting at my desk in my Tokyo home when my eldest son, visiting from America, came into the room as I was typing. He looked at the glass of brandy near my hand. Yes, brandy early in the day. I never thought of starting the day without it.

     He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Dad, if you want to kill yourself with alcohol that is your business but you are breaking my heart.” With those words, he left the room and softly closed the door.

     I was shocked. No one ever criticized anything I did. I was above criticism. Drinking was widespread in Japan. In those days all my friends drank. And drank plenty.

     As I sat there, my life in the recent years began to pass in front of my eyes. I did not feel good. I looked in the mirror and I knew I did not look good. And now my son broke my heart with his expression of sorrow at what I was doing to myself.

     I went back to my study and closed the door. Slowly I sank to my knees for the first time in almost five years. I told God how sorry I was. What a fool I had been. I asked his forgiveness.

     When I told Him I wanted to stop drinking, I shut up and listened to His reply. God said, “Well, it’s about time!” And then he laughed. I knew I was forgiven. I also knew what a tough battle I had in front of me.

     Unless you have been a drunk, you can never know how your body screams out for alcohol to relieve the agony. Joints ache. Eyes burn like hot sand is in them. Your head bursts with pain. Just one large gulp of straight booze stops all this. And slow drinking through the day keeps the pain away.

     When you try to stop drinking, you have greasy sweats that leave you dripping wet and weak. Withdrawal from excessive alcohol consumption is just as painful as drug withdrawal and very similar according to doctors who specialize in this field of abuse.

     I told God I did not know how I was going to find the courage to stop. He told me He would help me but I had to go through the pain of stopping because that is how the body is made – nerves and all.

     I prayed and told God, “I know from past experience that I cannot stop drinking using my willpower. I’ve tried to slow down using willpower alone so I know my willpower is not strong enough. Father, I’m going to turn this over to you. If I am to stop, I need You. I feel terrible right this minute. And one minute at a time is all I can handle.

     “Please give me Your strength, Father. I love you very much. I want to thank You for this alcoholism. All things come from You. Because of this, I’ve learned how important You really are in my life. It’s true that experience teaches a hard school, Father, and a fool learns in no other way. I’ve been a fool. Please forgive me.

     “Help me to beat this hurtful problem so I can be close to You in prayer every day for the rest of my life. I cannot handle this alone, Father. Amen.”

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      If this prayer sounds desperate to you, then I know you never had a drinking problem. Ask any of the twelve million alcoholics in the USA and they will tell you it is impossible to stop a severe drinking problem using willpower alone.

     God heard my prayer. A few minutes after praying, the telephone rang. It was my friend from my early Tokyo days, Kato-san. He called to ask how I was. When I told him I felt miserable because of my drinking and that I wanted to quit, he was concerned.

     “I think it is impossible for you to stop drinking abruptly. You will need help. Give me time to finish some work in the office and I’ll go home to pack a few clothes and come to your house. I’ll be there in about an hour and a half. Do nothing until I get there,” Kato-san said.

     I protested. I told Kato this was my problem. It did not concern him. I did not want him leaving his business and family to help with a fool situation that was my own making. He ignored what I said and came anyway. God knew I needed a friend and sent Kato.

     Kato told me to pack a few clothes because he wanted to get me out of the house until I could get through the worse days. First, he took me to his doctor. He told the doctor about my drinking, and the fact I wanted to quit. The doctor said what I was going to try to do was impossible without medical help and being hospitalized where I could get pain-relieving injection and drugs.

     I thanked the doctor and told him I did not want to consider the hospital. He gave me four white pills with the instructions to take them if the pain got out of control. And to call him at any time, twenty-four hours a day, if I had severe trouble and he would get me admitted to a hospital immediately.

     Kato and I left the doctor’s office. We drove to Atami which is a hot spring resort near Tokyo famous for its baths. We checked into an inn and Kato had me begin a series of hot and cold sulfur baths.

     This caused me to sweat a lot. I continued to have hot, greasy sweats. I wanted a drink of alcohol in the worst way. I prayed almost without stopping. When I would stop praying, I could hear God say to me, “Hang on, Tom, I am here with you.”

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One minute at a time
      That’s all I needed to know. If I just could make one minute at a time, I knew the hours would pass. I would not think beyond that. While I felt as if I were dying, and would not cared if I did, I knew God was helping me.

     I could not eat the first day. My nerves jingled so badly every little noise sounded much louder than it was. The second day I could keep soup in my stomach. Sleep was impossible. A jumbled, restless sweating. Tossing with greasy sweats kept me soaked. The pain could not be translated into words.

     I’ve gone into detail about what is involved in alcohol withdrawal so you will know what to expect should you ever have an alcohol problem. Or if you ever have the opportunity to plant seeds by helping someone close to you withdraw from alcohol. At least, now that you know what your friend who wants to stop goes through, you can feel compassion for him. And wish him well for making the effort.

     If you ever urge someone to stop drinking, please know the person cannot stop by himself. Anyone who can stop drinking using only their willpower does not have much of a problem with alcohol. Real addiction takes more than saying, “I can, I can, I know I can.” Nonsense. How I wish it were that easy. So do millions of other alcoholics.

For lasting success
      Even if you are willing to help someone go through the first horrible days of withdrawal, I doubt if both of you can succeed without God’s help. For lasting success, I believe you need more than personal support and doctors – you need God. God loves the alcoholic just as much as he loves you. When the alcoholic returns to God and asks for help, God will help just as you are willing to do for your friend in pain.

     Late in the afternoon of the second day, Kato said to me, “There is no need for you to suffer as you are doing. What you are going through is worse than drinking. You were never a stumbling drunk. You never got into fights. You were never in jail. You did drink a lot, but so what? That is your business.

     “I would never try to do what you are doing. Please let me buy a pint of brandy for you. Drink it and ease your pain. Tomorrow you can drink half a pint. And a fourth of a pint the next day. In that way, you can ease off drinking. It is stupid to try to quit all at once. Even the doctor said you need drugs to ease your pain. Why don’t you take the white pills the doctor gave you?”

     I thanked Kato for his concern. I told him there was no way I could drink only a pint of brandy and stop. If I had a pint I would want a quart and I’d get it. There was no way to drink only a fourth of a pint in one day.

     As for the pills, I was keeping them as a final resort if the pain got so intense I could not stand it. So far, it was almost unbearable but not quite. As things turned out I never did take the pills because I never knew when the pain would get to the unbearable stage.

     At the end of the third day, the sweats began to lessen. I could eat some solid food. The hot baths kept me so tired I could hardly move.

     By end of the fourth day, I could sleep for a couple of hours at a time. On the fifth day, I told Kato I wanted to go home to Tokyo. For the first time, I began to believe I was going to make it.

     By the sixth day, I could eat anything. I was nervous but I could sleep soundly a couple of hours at a time with some troubled dreams. By praying for God to give me an aversion to alcohol, I did not feel an urge to drink like I expected. Certainly, I gave thanks to God for giving me His strength in my darkest moments of withdrawal.

     I thanked Him for sending me Kato. I called Kato’s wife and apologized for keeping him away from home for almost a week. She understood. Both he and his wife had worked for me when they were college students. In fact, I introduced them to each other so there were good feelings among us.

     As the days and weeks went by I knew I was finally free from alcohol. Thank God for that! It has now been more than fifteen years and I am truly humble when I tell you that with Gods help I’ve not once been guilty of back-sliding into alcohol hell that made my life miserable.

     My use of alcohol was sinful. I do not say alcohol is sinful. Some people take a glass of wine with meals, a beer when they are hot or tired, a highball or two at a party without being guilty of sin.

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What is sin?
      The definition is simple: sin is anything that cuts you off from your one to one communication with God. This is what sin is. And that is all it is.

     Your primary function of being alive as a child of God who loves you is to keep in constant communication with God through prayer to have the abundance He wants you to have. When you love something more than you do God, when you spend so much time doing something, that you have no time for God – then the thing you love so much and your time with it is sinful.

“If you kill your neighbor and eat him in the stew pot, is that sinful?”

      A lot of people cannot differentiate between sin and customs. What is the custom in one country may be against the law in another? Some people think anything against man-made law is sinful. That is not the case. Sin is only what cuts you off from God.

     If you kill your neighbor and eat him in the stew pot, is that sinful? To do such a thing in America is both against the law and considered sinful. But in Papua New Guinea where I’m writing this for you, it was not long ago that eating people was acceptable conduct – neither against the law nor considered sinful.

     Before we get mired down in hypothetical arguments to define sin, let me say if you live your life in such a way that pleases God, you will never sin. It is natural to want to please your best friend. God is your best friend as I’ve said many times. Please God in all you do and the question of sin will never bother you.

     My knowledge of what constitutes sin and my release from alcohol gave me control of my life. This control set me free. Free to make choices without depending on alcohol as a crutch.

     My understanding of asking prayer coupled with my freedom from alcohol enabled me to rebuild my life. And by asking God to grant me financial blessings again, I now have complete freedom.

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What does this mean to you to make your life richer?
      If you have any habit that is chaining you to your own rock, ask God to free you. Are you addicted to alcohol? Are you addicted to drugs? Do you have any personal vice that keeps you from being free? Ask God to free you. Do not try to use your own willpower. Use God’s power. “If you continue in my word, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free,” is what Jesus said in the 8th Chapter of St. John.

     Let me ask you a personal question that concerns your degree of personal freedom: Are you involved in a bad marriage or any personal relationship that is keeping you from being free.

     Have you tried reasoning with the other person? Have you tried emotional approaches? Have you tried fighting? Have you tried yelling until you are blue in the face? Have you tried bribery to no avail? Have you tried everything? And nothing you can do can get the person to change their bad habits that make your life miserable?

Give up!
      Well, here is one thing you can do that I guarantee will bring the freedom results you want: Give up!  

     That’s right, simply give up. You’ve done all a human being can do. It is foolish to make your life miserable because another person’s conduct keeps you from being free to enjoy your life as God intended.

     The reason why you will never succeed in changing that person as you want is that you’ve tried so often – and so hard – bad emotions exist between you. Maybe the negative feelings you project are below the surface but they are there, anytime you enter the room, anytime you speak, that person begins to rebel at you and anything you say. If not openly, then subconsciously.

     You will never change that person’s attitude toward you. But God can change that person immediately after you’ve done what I am going to write next. Information that will help to give you the freedom you want and need.

     Get down on your knees and pray to God as follows:

     “God, you know the trouble I am having with X. You know how hard I’ve tried to change X’s heart toward me. I’ve reasoned. I’ve begged. I’ve yelled. I’ve screamed. I’ve threatened. I’ve done all I can do. And things get no better. They get worse as you know.

     “Now Father, I am going to up on X. I know you love X. I know you love X as much as you do me.

     “So, Father, I am washing my hands of X. I am turning X over to you. My power is weak. Your power is strong. You know the situation. I’m relying on Your wisdom to do what is best in this bad case with X.

     “I’m not going to worry about X anymore. I am not going to fret over X. When I see X or speak to X, I am going to be calm and neutral towards X.

     “X is your child and your problem, Father. Do what you will with X.

     “Thank you, Father, and thank you for this blessing of X. The least I got out of the deal with X is the opportunity to come to You in prayer, and experience Your understanding and love. Amen.

     Two things will happen after you go to God with this freedom prayer. You will find your feelings toward X are considerably neutralized. If not completely at first, pray again. After the second opt third prayer to God about X, you will find you can see and speak to X with no anger.

     Since you feel no anger, X will not pick up any bad vibrations from you. Things will change dramatically. You may find you do not want to continue your relationship with X. Or you may find the relationship without X’s negative conduct is quite pleasant so you can build a new relationship on it that you find acceptable. One that gives you freedom at the same time.

     Let God’s power handle your problem with X. You are both God’s loved children. Let Him do what is best for each of you. The following story from Carl’s life proves what this prayer can do. I call this story 30 Minutes That Saved A Life.

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Carl’s story
      This story from Carl’s life that cheated death begins an hour after midnight as the doorbell to my house kept ringing.

     When I answered the door I saw my friend Carl in a nervous, agitated state. He apologized for disturbing us but said he had to talk. I suggested we sit on boxes in my garage so the sleep of my wife and children would not be interrupted.

     The subject of Carl’s conversation was not new to either of us. We had discussed his problem many times over the years since we were teenagers. Carl lived with his widowed mother. His only sister was hospitalized and would never be released from the state mental institution. Carl had no brother.

     Carl often said his sister’s problem and his own nervous breakdown were both the direct result of his mother’s critical influence on the two of them. Nothing he did satisfied his mother. None of his friends met with her approval. Any girl who would go with Carl had to be a tramp in his mother’s estimation. She listened to all his telephone conversations on an extension.

     And Carl could not keep a job because his mother would call him so often at work. She even called his various employer’s complaining that Carl did not do what he should in her estimation.

     She demanded constant attention. Even though she was not a cripple, she bought a wheelchair and insisted Carl push the chair any time they went out in public.

     In short, Carl’s life was hell on Earth.

     During other talks. I had told Carl to leave his mother. Move to another state. Start a new life. Doctors who had treated him for mental problems gave Carl the same advice. I told Carl I could understand why he could not leave home when he was abused as a child but now he was older and could legally do what he pleased. He agreed he should but said when he mentioned leaving, his mother would get hysterical and collapse requiring medical treatment.

     So Carl decided his only way out was to take his own life. To kill himself. He had come by that night to tell me goodbye and to explain why he was going to do away with himself. In a way, I was not really shocked by his decision. I knew his life was miserable. I’d read people who plan suicide do indeed tell others before they do it. So I took Carl’s threat to end his life as his immediate plan.

“Carl, since you’ve decided to kill yourself, I’ll not try to stop you.”

      I also knew I did not want my friend to die by his own hand. Carl had many good qualities and he was liked by those of us who had known him for years.

     When he finished giving me the latest chapter in his mother’s abusive behavior, I sat thinking, not talking. Finally, I asked Carl a few questions:

     “Carl, since you’ve decided to kill yourself, I’ll not try to stop you. I would not know how. But I would like for you to do me a favor. Will you give me the next 30 minutes of your life? Will you listen without interrupting me? Will you please accept everything I tell you as absolutely true regardless of how much you want to cry out against what I say?

     “Carl, I’m asking you to do this not so much for yourself as for me. If you do kill yourself, I’ll be very sad. But I’d be sorry for the rest of my life if you came to me for help and I did not have the courage to tell you what I want you to know. After you listen to me, if you end your life, I’ll regret what you do but at least I’ll know you honored our friendship by letting me have your say. Will you do this for me, Carl? Will you listen and believe for the next 30 minutes?” Carl agreed.

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30 Important minutes
      I do remember what I told him quite clearly because as I said the words it was as if I were hearing some of them for the first time too. I knew my best friend, God, was again using me to help someone who hurt.

     “Carl, I know you do not believe in God. I’ve heard you say many times if there was a God, He could not create someone like your mother whose behavior ruined your sister’s life and would soon ruin yours. I’ve heard you say you believe she was responsible for your father’s early death. These are terrible things to say about your mother but only you know your pain so I’ll not judge.

     “What I want you to know is that in the Book of Mathew we are told to honor our parents. Regardless of what your mother does to you, you must honor her for being your mother. She is responsible for carrying you to birth. For the birth, you must honor her.

     “Carl, this order to honor your parents does not for a minute imply you have to honor her conduct. You do not have to give your approval of what she did to your sister. You do not have to approve of what she does to you. You do not have to accept her hurtful behavior. You have every right to reject her actions to protect your own sanity and to keep your life.

     “Yes, Carl. Honor your mother. But reject her conduct. This is easy to do if you will think about it. God does not direct you to be a slave to a parental mental illness. Far from it. But you must honor your mother or the hate you feel will poison your mind and body and take your life. Honor her for your birth and you will be free. It is that simple, Carl.

     “God loves you. He is your best friend. He made the world for you to enjoy. If you want to enjoy this life as God intended for you to do, you must give up on your mother. Honor her. But give up on her. Turn her over to God.

     “As hard as it is for you to understand. God loves your mother, too. He created her. For what reason, only God knows. So stop using your willpower to cope with her. Turn her over to God and use His willpower.

     “Carl, here is how you can turn your mother’s actions over to God. Here is how you give up on her…”

     And then I told Carl about how to pray as you’ve read in Asking And Getting What You Want. What I told Carl to that point took about 15 minutes. I had 15 minutes left of the 30 minutes Carl promised to me.

     I asked Carl to kneel with me right there on the garage floor and silently pray as I instructed him. I told him I would kneel and silently pray too. I specifically told Carl to listen for the small voice that was God talking to him.

     Carl agreed by nodding his head. He followed me as if he were in a trance. We knelt together and began to pray silently. After a few minutes, I heard Carl sob. Then he began to shake and cry uncontrollably. I clasped both of my hands onto his and urged him to keep praying. I told him to let it all out – drain it away. All the hate. All the disappointment. Let the grief flow.

     “Carl, I promise you God will replace all those bad feelings with understanding if you will keep praying and listen to the small voice.”

     Finally, Carl stopped praying and fell back against the garage wall. He did not say anything and neither did I for a long time.

A better solution
      Then Carl sighed and said, “Something happened to me tonight. I do not understand it and I don’t want to talk about it now. I can tell you two things. I am not going to kill myself – ever. There has to be a better solution. And I am not going to stop this praying thing you’ve taught me. I do not know if it will work again for me or not. But it sure made me feel better tonight. Thanks for your help and advice.

     As Carl left, I told him to call me any time, day or night if things got bad again. And if necessary, I’d come to him. He promised.

     Days and weeks went by without any word. I was concerned but not worried. I knew if Carl kept praying God would take care of him.

“… for an instant he would feel the beginning of the old fear and anger.”

      One Sunday evening about six weeks later, I did call Carl. He said he could not talk at the moment but would call me back in a few minutes. I knew from experience he wanted to go to an outside phone.

     When he called back, here is what he said. After he left me that night and went home, he again went to God in prayer turning his mother over to God just as I told you could be done in this section.

     Carl said from that day he rarely felt threatened by anything his mother would say. Yes, there were times when she would start criticizing. And for an instant, he would feel the beginning of the old fear and anger. But in the next instant, those emotions would melt into nothing. Carl said after going to God in prayer as I instructed, he would feel an inner strength he never knew before. And best of all, this strength stayed with Carl and gave him a new insight.

     This strength allowed Carl to see his mother as she was: a lonely woman, terrified of life. Someone to be pitied. Honored? Yes. Feared? Never again.

     Carl went on to say that now he did not argue with his mother. When she would go into one of her tantrums, he would smile and say things like this: “Is that right, mother? How interesting, mother. You do not say, mother.” Regardless of his mother’s criticisms, he would do exactly as he pleased. The first week or so this puzzled and angered her. Then, for no reason Carl could understand, his mother stopped hounding him. She suggested he go again to his psychiatrist.

     Carl told the doctor what happened in his life and how he was handling the problem. The doctor said Carl was on the right course and urged him to continue.

     At first, Carl went to God at least twice a day and turned his deep-rooted problem over to Him. As weeks went by, Carl’s growing inner strength caused Carl to suspect something major was about to happen in his life.

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Things happen fast!
     And did things happen fast! Carl’s aunt came to live with his mother. They both looked at Carl strangely according to him. But his mother had a new interest with the aunt present.

     Carl began helping his cousin in the relative’s paint store. And would soon manage a store for the cousin. Carl was to move in a few days to a small apartment the cousin owned.

     Later Carl married and eventually fathered two children. He and his wife discussed Carl’s earlier miserable abuse experiences. Both of them made a successful effort to raise their two children with a minimum of domination. Carl later told me this worked too well because his kids were so independent they seemed like young adults at a very early age. But he was proud of them.

     As the years went by, Carl’s mother died. His children grew up and the last time I spoke to him the youngest was graduating from high school. The oldest had recently married and was soon expecting so Carl and his wife would be grandparents.

     Carl told me he long ago forgave his mother. He could honor her and reject her conduct. But best of all, he said he did reach the point where he could thank God for the experience with his mother because that miserable time of his life brought him to his knees before God.

     Carl went on to say his one to one relationship with God was the most important thing in his life. His wife also prays as Carl does. And so do the children. Hopefully, according to Carl, so will the grandchildren.

     If you are hurting because of a negative relationship, the way Carl found relief can solve your problem too. Or if someone you know is in a bad relationship, the answer to their hurt is being held in your hands – the answer is in Asking And Getting What You Want …positive prayer secrets.

     As I look back on my own life from the vantage point of years, my regret is that I did not share my prayer knowledge with more of my friends. The fact is I can count the times, on one hand, I helped people as I did Carl because I was growing and learning in those early days.

     Another factor, it often took time, sometimes years to see the final outcome of what my friends experienced when they learned the prayer secrets I’ve now shared with you. Secrets God has directed me to put on these pages to bring true miracles to pass in your own life so you can enjoy this world now – and all that is in it as God wants you to do.

       Ask anything. God will give you whatever you want if you believe.

More proof
      Here’s further proof. After God delivered me from my alcohol addiction, I did not want to continue my old life of bar and nightclub hopping. Changing my spare time activities left a hole in my social life. I was lonely with so much free time.

     That is when I went to God with my friendship prayer. In the previous section, you learned how he rewarded me not only with friends but with national recognition. All I had to do was return to God, ask forgiveness and ask for a new life. God answers prayer.

      So, when I went to Him with my prayer asking for a financial blessing He was overjoyed to grant my prayer. The financial blessing was one I could operate from my Tokyo home. It took very little money to get started. Part-time students helped with the easy work. Money came in so fast I had to hire students to help me count it – many days up to $1,000 or more. (I’ll help you to do this too if you wish. Read the enclosed FLASH only after you’ve read all of Asking And Getting What You Want now in your hands.)

     I enjoyed this new business so much, I postponed my return to America. Since I knew I could not manage my almost 300 rental units from Japan, I decided to do what I knew God wanted me to do. I gave away the units even though they were worth a fortune.

     God was giving me one fortune in Japan. So it seemed natural to give away the units in Texas to those who needed a financial blessing in America. I did.

     And God kept showering his blessings upon me until this day.

     The lesson for you here is that you can have a financial blessing too. Once you are convinced to plant seeds and share, financial blessings could come to you so fast from God that you will have to have people help you count the money.

     And with the financial blessing God gives you, you will have total freedom.

     For now, let’s have a conclusion for this section and the Positive Freedom Prayer.

Here are the five powerful prayer secrets:

  1. When you pray, thank God for everything that happens to you. Do not label events as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ because then you are judging God.
  2. Plant seeds of help and kindness at every opportunity. God’s reward is far greater than you can expect.
  3. Share your bounty from God with others. The larger your gifts, the more God gives you in return. You soon learn God wants you to give to get more from Him. This never fails.
  4. Turn your problem over to God in prayer. Use God’s power which knows no limit. Your willpower is weak.
  5. Your only worthwhile reason for living is your one to one relationship with God.

     Use these five prayer secrets. They make your prayers powerful and you will soon develop great enthusiasm for prayer as the early Christians did. God sends this message to you through me because he loves you.

     Things God gives you in answer to prayer is only proof of God’s love as your reward for sharing and planting seeds. Always thank God for his love in your prayers.

     The more you pray, the better you become at it. When you pray as God directs in Asking And Getting What You Want, He smiles and rewards you beyond your expectations.

     If you do not call on God in prayer to light your path, do not blame God if you stumble in the dark. If you want to play the fool, God lets you play the fool because He gives you anything you want.

     When you try to break any addictive habit, concentrate on one minute at a time during the most painful period. Pray without ceasing for God’s help. His love will see you through to victory. All your friends, all your doctors cannot help you break an addiction permanently – only God can do that.

     Sin is anything that cuts you off from your one to one relationship with God. That is all sin is. When you live your life to please your best friend, God, you cannot sin.

     In any negative situation with another, GIVE UP when all else fails. Go to God in prayer with the problem. Turn the matter over to God. Wash your hands of it. The situation will change quickly and dramatically. God’s power can handle all your problems. When you put God first, He puts you first. Only God can give you total freedom.

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Positive Freedom Prayer
 Father, I am coming to You now because I need more freedom in my life. I know You did not plant my feet in the soil as You did the trees because You wanted me to be mobile.
 I thank You for my present situation because I know all things come from You.
 Even so, Father, I can best serve You and be Happier if I have more freedom.
 I certainly will share and plant seeds because this pleases You as an expression of my love for You.
 My willpower is weak, Father, when compared with Your strong power to eliminate what restricts my freedom (describe what addiction or poor personal relationship you have that restricts your freedom).
 Father, I can do nothing about this without Your help. I turn this problem over to You. It is in Your hands. I need Your strength, Your love and guidance to free me, so I can have total freedom to express more love for You through my abundant sharing and planting seeds.
 I am Your child. I love You. I need Your blessing of freedom in my life. Amen.

“Asking And Getting What You Want … positive prayer secrets” by Thomas L. Hall
Is a non-denominational publication for all faiths.
 Published by: PPS Publishing Company
                         P.O. Box 8283
                         Woodlands, Texas 77387

Copyright © 1988 Thomas L. Hall. All rights reserved.


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